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Abstract Details
Alcohol education provided to opioid treatment program patients: results of a nationwide survey.
Strauss SM1, Harris G, Katigbak C, Rindskopf DM, Singh S, Greenblum I, Brown LS Jr, Kipnis S, Kritz SA, Parrino MW.
Alcohol-related problems are especially common among opioid treatment program (OTP) patients, suggesting that educating OTP patients about alcohol and its harmful effects needs to be a priority in OTPs. Using data collected in interviews with a nationwide U.S. sample of OTP directors (N = 200) in 25 states, we identified factors that differentiate OTPs that provided this education to all OTP patients from those that did not. Findings indicate that these factors include (1) providing this education in a greater variety of ways, (2) having a larger percent of staff knowledgeable about alcohol-related issues, (3) having a director who views alcohol issues as a high priority, and (4) having a written OTP policy.