Author information
1Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
2Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic Barcelona. IDIBAPS. Liver and Digestive Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBERehd). University of Barcelona. Spain.
3Section of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Health Promotion, Mother and Child Care, Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties PROMISE, University of Palermo, Italy.
4AP-HP, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Seine Saint-Denis, Liver Unit, Bobigny; Université Sorbonne Paris Nord, F-93000 Bobigny; Inserm, UMR-1138 "Functional Genomics of Solid Tumors", Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Université de Paris, France.
5Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
6Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Infectious Diseases and Endocrinology, Hannover Medical School. Germany.
7Liver Unit, Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. NIHR Birmingham Biomedical Research Centre, University Hospitals Birmingham, United Kingdom.
8Liver Unit, Hospital Clinic Barcelona. IDIBAPS. Liver and Digestive Diseases Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBERehd). University of Barcelona. Spain. Electronic address:
Following the advent of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs), hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can be cured in almost all infected patients. This has led to a number of clinical questions regarding the optimal management of the millions of patients cured of HCV. This position statement provides specific guidance on the appropriate follow-up after a sustained virological response in patients without advanced fibrosis, those with compensated advanced chronic liver disease, and those with decompensated cirrhosis. Guidance on hepatocellular carcinoma risk assessment and the management of extrahepatic manifestations of HCV is also provided. Finally, guidance is provided on the monitoring and treatment of reinfection in at-risk patients. The recommendations are based on the best available evidence and are intended to help healthcare professionals involved in the management of patients after treatment for HCV.