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Andrew Talal, MD, MPH
Dr. Andrew Talal is a leading expert in liver disease. His work through UBMD at Erie County Medical Center’s liver clinic has tripled the clinic’s capacity to treat patients with viral hepatitis and other forms of liver disease. Along with his colleagues they have established comprehensive liver clinics at Buffalo General Medical Center to evaluate patients with liver disease referred from throughout Western New York. In addition, they provide clinical support to the Buffalo VA Medical Center in order to deliver uniformly excellent clinical care to patients with liver disease cared for at hospitals and clinics affiliated with UB’s medical school. Dr. Talal and his colleagues have co-authored an article for the inaugural issue of the patient-oriented online magazine “HCV Next.”

During the course of our translational research, techniques were developed that will enable physicians to base drug dosing on the data gathered from the site of antiviral action in the liver instead of measuring the plasma concentration that is more reflective of systemic exposure. In the area of clinical research, he is conducting a study sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Foundation to assess telemedicine to treat hepatitis C (HCV) in patients who are in treatment for substance use.

Dr. Talal currently teaches GI fellows, residents and students in outpatient and inpatient settings. Additionally, he teaches first- and second-year medical students in small groups and research seminars with pharmacology graduate students.


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